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Monday, 1 July 2019

How to Earn Cloudways 14 Days Free Trial Hosting In 2019?

July 01, 2019
There are lots of web hosting out there, but no one knows which gives you the best and fast performance. Choosing the best hosting service is now a little bit difficult task. There are hundreds of web hosting providers out there, and you can not check them all. So that’s why, we bring the best WordPress hosting for you, which gives you the best speed and performance. We will be discussing CloudWays web hosting. CloudWays hosting also gives you a free trial. Using Cloudways Free Trial, you can easily host your site on their server.
Cloudways Promo Codes 2019

CloudWays is one of more powerful web hosting which offers you to hist your website on their cloud servers. CloudWays hosting uses SSD drives, which give you the fast processing speed, and helps your website in faster loading. CloudWays also offers managed to host on Linode, DigitalOcean, Vultr,  Google’s Cloud Platform, and even Amazon Web Services (AWS). 

Before moving toward getting free trial hosting, first, we are discussing CloudWays hosting in detail.

CloudWay Hosting:

CloudWays is also one of the top web hosting service providers CloudWays give you the dedicated resources, which help you to improve your website speed and security. CloudWays hosting also has other technology like Varnish, PHP7, Memcached, etc. They give the automatic installation of WordPress, Joomla, MediaWiki, Laravel, Koken, Thirty Bees, and Magento. They provide you the best hosting services, and their plan started from  $10 (£7.69)/ month for the first year for basic Digital Ocean plan, which includes 1 GB Ram, 25 GB Storage, 1 Core, 1 TB Banwithch. Google and Amazon plan starts from $35 (£27).

CloudWay Hosting provides the 24/7 fast and dedicated support to its customers. You can contact the site ground via live chat, email ticket, and direct phone calls. In the end, CloudWay Hosting has the best customer support. 


1: All PHP apps supported
2: Free SSL certificate
3: Dedicated environment.
4: 1-Click backup & restore
5: Good speed and performance.
6: Automatic site backups
7: Pay for only what you consumed
8: Free WordPress Caching Plugin
9: Host Unlimited Sites


1: Different cPanel (But easy to use)
2: No domain registration option 

CloudWays Hosting Features:

Some of the features of CloudWays web Hosting are given below:
1: SSD Drives
2: SSL Certificate
3: Daily Backups
4: No Coding Knowledge Required
5: 24/7 Support

Let discuss each one in detail.

1: SSD Drives

CloudWays hosting uses SSD drives, which are the new and advanced technology to boost the processing speed of your website. CloudWays offering you minimum storage of 25 GB and you can also increase it when you buy another plan. This 25-GB storage capacity is enough for your Website for its smooth running. You did not get any server down issues. You can also use this SSD drives to increase the load speed of the page and provide a better experience to the user.

2: SSL Certificate

The website which has an SSL certificate installed, Google gives a boost to its ranking. SSL certificate to give your site a professional look. SSL certificate gives a boost to website ranking in the Google search engine, and Google also preferred a website that has HTTPS domains rather than HTTP. CloudWays web hosting offers you a free SSL certificate, which you can add on your site. So do not need to worry about buying it. 

3: Daily Backups

All of your blog data is being up on a mostly daily basis and all keep your data protected from data loss. CloudWays hosting also protects your blog from various malware attacks. If your website data is corrupted suddenly, then you can recover your data from backup. They also provide you the best support. If you have any problem with backup your data, you can easily take help from their support.

4: No Coding Knowledge Required

When you are using CloudWays web hosting, you do not require any knowledge of coding to set up your website. Even you do not need a single line of code to set up your website on their hosting servers. They also have a user-friendly interface. Their expert helps you in setting up your WordPress site on their server, so you don't need to worry about the site. Their friendly user interface helps every new user to host their site on CloudWays web hosting without having any without any coding knowledge. They also have the best support as compared to other web hosting.

5: 24/7 Support

CloudWay Hosting provides the 24/7 fast and dedicated support to its customers. You can contact the site ground via live chat, email ticket, and direct phone calls. If you get any problem in migrating your website or server down, then you can contact them via these supports. Their support was awesome, and then they give you a fast response as compared to other web hosting service providers. This feature of CloudWays hosting is the best of the best feature. Due to their best support, they become one of the top hosting providers all over the world. In the end, CloudWay Hosting has the best customer support. 

Cloudways 14 Days Free Trial Hosting

CloudWays are offering you 14 days free trial, to host your site on a fast server. It is the best opportunity for you to check their hosting speed and performance. After checking their hosting, you will be able to decide that their web hosting full fillings your needs or not. CloudWays hosting has a fast loading speed and gives the user an amazing experience. 

Getting CloudWays free trail hosting is easy very simple and you can also check out the Bloggingscout listed and shared cloudways promo codes for a further discount on hosting as well here. You also don’t need to enter your credit card information. To get 14 days of free trial hosting. So its good to check their hosting. With this free trial, you realize that their hosting is good for your website, or it does not give you better performance.

Steps to Getting 14 Days Free Trial

1: Go to the official website of CloudWays hosting and click on a free trial offer. When you click on it, it will redirect you to the registration form.
2:  Fill the registration form with your real information and then click on create account
3: After creating your account, you will get 14 days of free trial hosting, which can use to host your personal website to check the speed and performance of their website.

Final Thoughts:

In my view, CloudWays hosting service is best for everyone. Their performance and loading speed were always up to time. You can use the Cloudways Free Trial to check their hosting services. CloudWays hosting is best for both professionals as well as beginners. If you have any questions, then leave a comment below.I’ll help you out with any problems.

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